Friday, October 26, 2007

Week of 10/22 Social Studies Update

Dear Parents,

What a full week! The attached pictures are from our incredible afternoon going up LaeLae. There is "Climbing All the Way to Top," "Celebration," "Lunch with a View," "Exhausted," and "Rolling Down."

The results of the Canada Mapping Quiz were excellent. We are beginning to tie up “loose” ends and today we spoke about a variety of topics. Classes 7A and 7C have the assignment to write in their journals this weekend. Today a few discussions centered on the following:
The Navajo and Reservations
Cuba and Fidel Castro
The Caribbean and the Nobel Peace Prize (tying in the current event of Al Gore)
The Far North Video (Native Peoples of Northern Canada)

As students are well aware, each topic is vast and is able to be explored a lot more in depth. The overarching question, “What is Freedom” can certainly be woven in to each of the topics. Additionally, this week we spoke about how to begin improving journals and everyone’s journal has notes that outline a few ideas.

In the coming week, we will finish up our North America textbook by reading about the Dominican Republic. We will also begin a Central America/Caribbean country study. A component of this will once again be mapping as well as research. The final project will be to make a brochure. Students will all receive a rubric clearly outlining the expectations. You might ask your son/daughter later in the week to speak to you about how they are planning on designing their brochure. As well, you might ask them to see their rubric :-)

Have an excellent weekend!

Thank you,
Matt Piercy
7th Grade Social Studies

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