Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week of January 28th
Dear Parents,
First off, thank you so much for the wonderful feedback I've already received regarding the "How the Inca Fell" retelling homework. If you haven't heard the story from your child yet, their assignment is to retell the story they heard in class about how the Inca Empire fell (7B will be assigned this at the start of next week). The more detail, the better :-) Students have done exceptionally well conceptualizing and understanding the many factors that contribute to a stable empire, as well as acknowledging the various strands that lead to an empire's vulnerability and eventual descent. I've enjoyed the exceptionally high level of interest and participation.

This past week, a quiz was given that checked how carefully students read and comprehended the small National Geographic text. Several days were given to complete the assignment and prepare for the quiz. Grades were a little surprising as students were spread across the board. Overall, the 7th grade average was just that, "average" (a "C") . You may want to ask your son or daughter to see their quiz (these will be returned at the beginning of next week). I am hopeful any mistakes or "holes" in understanding what was read, will be corrected.

We have launched into a mini- research project to build on a few topics the text touched upon. There is an opportunity for choice in this project, however one component it to creatively construct a collage. Students now have a pretty good idea of what a collage is (after their South American Map Collages). As well, in each class, we have discussed what makes a good collage. A few notes I shared follow.

The word "collage" is comes from French and translates to mean, "to paste." A few ideas to keep in mind when making a collage include:

* Layering images upon each other helps the effect (use glue)

* Symbols, pictures of the person, drawings, words, newsprint--computer images, magazine cut-outs, drawings all will help. Mixing as much of these together can create a more inviting piece.

* Ultimately--THE GOAL IS CRAFT A MESSAGE OR FEELING THAT ANSWERS THE QUESTION--"Who is Evo Morales?" or "Who is Hugo Chavez?"

So, we've begun our research and will continue with this into next week. Due dates are: 7C=Tuesday 7A=Wednesday 7B=Wednesday

Looking over and talking with your son/daughter about this project could be very helpful.

Additionally, next week more will be explored in class discussions and pictures shown relating to two mysteries landmarks--Machu Pichu and the Nazca Lines. Students have shown a lot of intrigue in both topics and I am hopeful the curiosity and enormous potential of the ancients will continue.

On Friday, the 1st of February, the 7th grade will be visiting Kaloko fishponds. A wonderful connection can be made between this sacred place "right down the road" and the many sites we have seen in South America. The character, spirit, and mystic will all be touched upon in a discussion we will share in Social Studies class (so that explains the menehune at the top of the page :-) This should "prime" the students so their interest will be even greater the day of our trip.

As always, if there are any questions, please let me know. Thank you very much and enjoy the weekend!

With Warmth,
Matt Piercy
7th Grade Social Studies

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