Friday, April 11, 2008

Week of April 14th

(A few examples of the tiles students created)

Dear Parents,
I came home today (without leaving school) excited to share how impressed I was by the amazing discussion one class participated in this morning. Though the subject (specifically the conflict in Palestine and Israel) can be quite complex and not pleasant, students did such a fine job engaging completely. Their questions and how well they listened to and built off each other's comments really did have me in awe.

Another class, began a trivia review on the Middle East. Their obvious motivation and how they worked together to help each other was also commendable. The third class? I didn't have the pleasure to see them today but they too, continue to march to a similar and very impressive beat. I guess what I am saying is, "It is going to be hard to say good-bye to the seventh graders." Their passion for learning really is a lot of fun to be around and makes me happy to be their guide.

In the coming week, we will not be meeting but just a couple times. Our plans are to finish up the Middle East. There are several "loose ends." As students are aware, there will not be a final on the Middle East and West Asia but material from this region will be included on the final. To help students better prepare, specifics will also be added to the Final Study Guide.

For the final month of classes, students can expect to be studying Europe and Russia. Those who care to get a head start might want to peruse the mini-text as we will be using this in class.

That's it for this week. Please give your son/daughter a gentle pat on the back as truly, what I saw today and most recently really is pleasing.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Matt Piercy
7th Grade Social Studies

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