Saturday, April 26, 2008

Week of April 28th

Dear Seventh Grade Parents,

Last night's performance was very well attended. I don't know about you, but I honestly had tears in my eyes. How proud I am of each child and how extraordinary it was to watch them shine. What a wonderful bunch!

Students have known for nearly a week now about the Europe/Russia map quiz. I've encouraged students to study in a multiple of ways ( , spelling on backs, spelling in the sand, mnemonic devices, etc.). Monday, 7C will take the quiz and on Tuesday, 7A and 7B. A fun way you might study with your son/daughter is ask questions like, "What country is just west of Sweden?" Or, "What country is in between France, Germany, Italy, and Austria?"

This past week, the first two steps of the final "Europe/Russia End of Year Project" were discussed. The directions were as follows:

1st Step: Pick a city
*See me if you have an idea of another city you feel strongly about studying

2nd Step: Research this place completely. What is there? How is the culture? Climate? Economy? What is there to see/do there? The history? Etc., etc.

*Yes, you may have a partner in this project.

For the bulk of this week, we will be researching in class. I also expect a lot of investigative work to be done outside of class. I am encouraging students to REALLY get into this final project and that they come to know the city so well, it's as if they have physically visited.

I am intentionally holding off on describing the project portion of this assignment until latter in the week. Not for the sake of suspense but rather for the necessity of students thoroughly "getting to know" the city they have elected. Pictures are not important in this first phase. Information...information...and more information. Your help in supporting this and maybe just checking in with your child about what they are learning and still need to find out, will be very beneficial.

That's it for this week. Time is certainly getting compressed but I am sure students, parents, and teachers alike will delight in the remainder of this wonderful 7th grade year.

As always, please ask if there are any questions. And, thank you for you all that you continue to do.

Matt Piercy
7th Grade Social Studies

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