Friday, April 4, 2008

Week of April 7th

Dear Parents,

Our power point presentations are over and I really was impressed. If you haven't seen your son/daughter's show, you might ask them to either show you it or tell you about it. It was not only obvious that they learned a lot about their two specific countries, but also evident was how hard so many worked in preparing for their presentations. Please ask your son/daughter about how they did overall and if their were specific areas they know they can focus on in future projects and presentations. Rubrics were returned this week.

This week we also watched the first segment of a a video students are really enjoying. It pleases me to see how intrigued they are. After our book quiz at the beginning of the week (Monday=7A and 7B and Tuesday=7C), we will continue the video. As mentioned last week, the "follow along" sheets will be collected when we are finished, including the little bit of research for a few of the questions. I am expecting the responses to demonstrate students' full thought and expression.

Next week we also will be doing a review of the country presentations with a fun cooperative trivia game. Students' notes will come in handy and will be collected with their game sheet. As well, we will discuss a few hot issues (Palestine/Israel and War in Iraq) of the region and I plan to send students home with interview questions. These interview questions will be compiled from students during our discussions.

Should be another fun week! Thank you.

Matt Piercy
7th Grade Social Studies

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