Sunday, April 20, 2008

Week of April 21st

Dear Parents,

Thank you everyone who took time to be interviewed by your child with respect to the war in Iraq. I very much enjoyed reading the wide variety of responses and plan to have student who wish to volunteer, share these responses and ideas for how things may be made different. A lot can be learned from both your ideas and opinions. A point I have carefully impressed upon students is that so many of the problems we are confronted with, are human created. Thus, they can be "human solved." Inspiration to have a larger world vision and also grow up with the skills, passion, and will to lead with integrity has also been at the forefront of each unit of study. I must say, as the year winds down and remain even more optomistic. The last few weeks, classes have continually amazed me by both their hight level of maturity and interest in the subject. So, once again I congratulate the 7th graders!

This week, we will jump right in to our final theme. This will take us to Europe and Russia. A little background knowledge will be explored and geography will be at the start of our focus. Students will hopefully be challenged with spelling and knowing the location of the various European countries. In addition, the last large project will be explained in detail. I think students are going to really enjoy this one as it allows for an exceptional degree of creativity. More on this next week, however you might expect for your son/daughter to begin researching by week's end.

As always, I remain gracious for your support.

Matt Piercy
7th Grade Social Studies


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